Why Product Thinking is the next big thing in UX Design | by Nikkel Blaase | Medium
Why Product Thinking is the next big thing in UX Design | by Nikkel Blaase | Medium
Reinforcement learning is supervised learning on optimized data – The Berkeley Artificial Intelligence Research Blog
How the Amazon Go Store’s AI Works | by Ryan Gross | Towards Data Science
“What to Expect When You’re Expecting Robots” | MIT News | Massachusetts Institute of Technology
As more intelligent, independent machines make their way into the public sphere, engineers Julie Shah and Laura Major are urging designers to rethink not just how robots fit in with society, but also how society can change to accommodate these new, “working” robots.
Simple Solution to Feature Selection Problems – Data Science Central
Simple Solution to Feature Selection Problems – Data Science Central
Simple Solution to Feature Selection Problems – Data Science Central
My Six Favorite Free Data Science Classes and the Giants Behind Them
The tech field, more than other fields, is one where people feel compelled and comfortable sharing what they have learned and what they’re excited about. We all do it. But, once in a while, comes a ground-breaking class, not only for its timely topic, but for its incredible delivery and ability to hold on to our attention till the end. They leave us with a real grasp on the material, new ideas on how to apply it, and that exciting feeling of having grown a tad wiser.